Marketing Training from Cinnamon Edge

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

"My Website Isn't in Google"

One of the online marketing services we've been asked for occasionally is getting a website to appear in the Google listings. Not on page one, necessarily, but listed at all. Something Google calls 'indexing'.

You see, while you can search for and find any website in the world by typing its address into the address bar in your browser, this doesn't necessarily mean it will appear in a search on Google because Google doesn't always get around to 'indexing' or listing new websites for some time. In fact, your new site could languish for weeks, as happened to one of the people who approached us for help.

You can test this by typing your website's URL (including the or .com) into the Google search box. For example, "". If your website doesn't appear in the results it means Google haven't 'indexed' (listed) it yet. Which means no one will ever find it with a Google search. 

It used to be the case that you could submit a new site to Google via their webmaster tools, but with so many sites being created every minute of every day, that service has been withdrawn. So what should you do now?

Well our solution was to build links to the new site from one that we know Google 'spiders' (sends its robots to look at) regularly, like one of our blogs, for example. The next time they (the Google robots) visit, they find the new link, follow it to the new site and, "Hey presto!" the site gets indexed.

That process still works. But now there's a refinement to the process that makes it quicker and it makes use of one of the most active and therefore most spidered websites on the Internet - Twitter. Google visits Twitter every few minutes. In fact, it's probably on there pretty much all the time, and anything that gets tweeted can get indexed on Google within minutes. That includes links to your new site, if you include them in your tweets.

So the answer to the question of "How can I get my site listed on Google" is easy: Tweet it. Just say something like "Look at my new website" followed by the full URL. Mention the exciting content and you should get some human visitors, too, but the objective is to get Google to come calling.

Bear in mind that even the super-powerful computers Google uses still work in the real universe, so it can still take a few hours for your site to appear on all the Google servers, but Twitter is the easiest and fastest way to make that happen.

You can get more online marketing help and training from Cinnamon Edge. We run courses, in-house training, and of course we offer marketing services as well!


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Friday, 25 November 2011

Marketing Training in Bury St Edmunds

The good news is Cinnamon Edge is busy. The bad news is we've been too busy lately to schedule any marketing workshops or courses for Bury St Edmunds businesses.

But there's one thing that all successful businesses do, especially when they're being successful - they keep on marketing and promoting themselves. It's very easy to be too busy working in your business to even think about finding more customers or promoting more to existing customers. It's easy but it's dangerous, because it's all too easy for those customers to go elsewhere, cut back or just change their buying strategy - leaving you high and dry and with nothing in the pipeline.

So, on that basis, and taking our own advice, we're actively looking for a couple more clients for our marketing services. While we've started work for several new clients in the last few weeks, we still have the capacity for two more, and short-term work or one-off jobs can always be fitted in.

This week we've been building and optimising two websites, running social media campaigns for several clients, designing squeeze pages, making videos, writing articles and blogs and more.

But while you might be happy with business at the moment, or too busy to look for more, we're not too busy to take that job off your hands and help you attract more clients, more sales and a more secure future.

In business, you should always be marketing and selling. And if you can't find time yourself you need to think about hiring someone who can!


Go to and follow us on Facebook and Twitter

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Thursday, 10 November 2011

This Case Study Shows What YOU Could Do, Too

We've just uploaded a case study that shows what we've achieved for one of our clients recently.

Basically, she totally dominates her local market and is very competitive nationally, too.

All this for a new business that's less than a year old.

You can see what we've done in the first few pages of the report, and how we did it (most of it, anyway) in the remaining pages. It's a quick read with lots of pictures!

Find our case study of an ultra-successful marketing operation at - just click the link to get the pdf.

Then think about what Cinnamon Edge's marketing expertise could do for you...


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