Last month
in this blog I told you that almost 2300 people had downloaded our books so far that month. By the end of the month that figure was nearer 2500 people.
A few hundred more have downloaded them this month and there will doubtless be a few hundred more.
How did we do this? Well, there are some tricks and techniques you can use within Kindle to make sure that lots more people than you might expect will find your books on Amazon, take a liking to them and download them to their Kindle, iPad or laptop. We'll share those secrets at our workshop on 28th June.
But there's one BIG secret I will give you here and now: first, you WRITE THE BOOK!
And that's the first thing we'll be showing you how to do on
28 June at the Self Centre, Bury St Edmunds. We'll show you how to use what you've already written or planned, how to create new written content and even how to get other people to do it for you. That's the difficult bit done!
Then we'll show you how to create a Kindle account (part of Amazon), how to format and upload your book(s), how to set the price and commission you want for your book (up to 70%) and finally how to boost downloads, promote your books and how to use them to promote your business. Books can be a fantastic form of marketing, and we'll show you how to use them effectively. Remember, Kindle publishing is free...
If there's time, we'll even show you how to take your book from Kindle digital publishing format to a nearly free print on demand system, also owned and promoted world-wide by Amazon. Then you'll have printed copies of your book(s) to sell, or to give away as promotional items or as gifts for your friends and family.
Depending on your wishes, we can split into two groups at this point, taking one through the whole business promotion aspect, while non-business people can learn more about getting your book in the hands of ordinary readers, or answering any other questions you may have.
Subjects of our own books include business, marketing and copywriting, as well as poetry, fiction, health and careers, so we can guide you through the process, whatever your book(s) may be about.
All this (and probably more) will be covered on 28th April. The information is worth hundreds if not thousands of pounds (or tens of thousands to a business) but the cost is only £97, inclusive.
Book via the website or give us a call on 01284 767 193 or email now to reserve your place!