Marketing Training from Cinnamon Edge

Tuesday, 30 December 2008

A Great Opportunity For You

Here's a very great opportunity to dramatically increase your income in 2009, and to reserve your position right now will cost you nothing.

Do you want to explode your passive income in 2009?

Read on if you do.

I've just secured a great position in a brand new opportunity that's launching on January 6th. What this means to you is that you can also secure a pre-launch position - directly under me - at the very top if you act now.

Right now:

This will be very exciting. My top IM friends are joining today.

Imagine: you enter your name, desired login name and email address into this page:

Then do nothing more - and not spend any money, either!

Then once January 6th arrives, and you wake up and realise that you have a downline of hundreds or even thousands of people, how's that going to make you feel? Just think what that can do for your income.

Here's something else for you to think about: when an opportunity like this launches, those who get in at the beginning can make a fortune with very little effort. Fact!

It's true that just being in the right place at the right time and taking action is really all it takes. So imagine if this is your lucky day. You've got nothing to lose and a LOT to gain, and you can get started for free!

Don't delay, because this early opportunity to get a top position will only be available to you for a very short time. Top marketers are joining already:


PS. Some additional info: this brand-new program is developed by Implix, the company behind GetResponse. So you can be sure of the quality of the products (which are tools you use for your internet business anyway) and how BIG this business will be, even before the launch on 6th January. I'll be promoting this aggressively in 2009, and I strongly suggest you do the same, starting now:

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Friday, 19 December 2008

Instant Affiliate Website

Mike Filsaime's Instant Affiliate Website is causing quite a stir.

When I received advanced notice of it, no one else was promoting Mike's latest and very possibly best product. By the time I'd grabbed my own Instant Affiliate Site and sent a quick email to my list, all was still eerily quiet...

...for about 15 minutes...

Then the torrent started. I didn't know I was on that many lists.

Now everyone, and I mean everyone, is promoting it.

I suppose I could boast I got my Instant Affiliate Website first! And my FREE download of the famous Butterfly Marketing Manuscript...

It's at

Go and grab yours.


PS. 30 pre-loaded affiliate products, free hosting, pre-written reviews, your own blog, the ability to promote anything else you want, Butterfly Marketing Manuscript. All FREE.

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Introducing Mike Filsaime!

Ok, so you've probably heard of Mike Filsaime already...

Still, like me, you might not have realised quite how many things Mike is involved in. That's probably why he seems to be doing quite well just now!

One project of Mike's, which seems to be a re-launch, is his variation on the 'instant affiliate' site idea. Maybe Mike invented this - I don't honestly know. Anyway, I've signed up for a free affiliate website and you should too.

Go to to see my website and to sign up for yours.

You can instantly add tons of preloaded affiliate banners and reviews, write your own blog, re-design the look of your site, add your own additional affiliate links and even upload your site to your own domain. And it's all free.

Naturally, Mike is hoping you'll sell loads of his products, and you probably will, but you can promote just about anything else on there, too. Did I mention it's free?

Go here to see my site and grab your own.

To your success


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Wednesday, 10 December 2008

A Great Clickbank Alternative

Hello again

I doubt if there's a serious marketer in the world who doesn't have an account with Clickbank. I do, and you probably do as well. And Clickbank is very good, in its way. There are thousands of products, all with at least 50% commission, and you can promote your own digital products ther, too.

It does have one drawback, especially if you're based outside the US, in that all commissions are paid by cheque (check), in dollars, not less than two weeks after the sale. Then they take up to a week to arrive and about a week to clear, in the UK. Your bank will probably charge you for the privilege, too.

But most of us carry on using Clickbank because, in most other ways, it's excellent at what it does.

Now there's an alternative. Take a look at this video:

As you can see, has most of the features we love about Clickbank, and a generous affiliate scheme of its own. And it pays you through PayPal, which is a major plus for me, I have to say!

Why not have a look at now?

Until next time,
